Monday, August 13, 2007


For my birthday Mark let me have a "mini home make-over". If you know me, I like change! Every once in a while I just have to move things around. So I have painted and moved rooms around...which is not easy to do in a two bedroom townhouse : ) One thing we did very differently was move the TV out of our living room. We brought some bookshelves downstairs and moved the TV to our loft creating a "movie room". One of the main reasons we wanted to move this summer, was to be able to do this and I guess we never really thought about moving things around in our house here. I must say this has been the biggest blessing! It has been a little over a week now and we have watched significantley less TV and haven't really missed it. We didn't really have spiritual reasons for moving the TV or anything...we just wanted to cut down on turning it on just because or just out of habbit. We found many nights we would just turn it on after dinner and mindlessly watch for a couple of hours and then go to bed never really spending time together.
Anyway it has been a huge blessing for us! I would highly recommend it!

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