Sunday, July 15, 2007


I think it is pretty official...Mark and I have started a ministry/buisness! It has been exciting but very trying! In short we provide dance curriculum, training and materials to churches so that they can start a community outreach program! Basically very similar to Upward Basetball but with dance.
I have been struggling with the vision of this program. I know from the start it has been one of those things that only God could have done! He has established every step this far. However, to be honest, my heart's passion is not dance (and you may find this hard to believe...neither is Mark's) our passion is the church! We love the church! My question was how did all of this fit? I love dance. It has been a big part of my life but why is it that God called me to this postition? I think he finally put the last puzzle piece in place... We can serve the church through Spotlight.
It is my heart's desire and the vision for our program to enable churches to take steps toward outreach! To help churches extend their arms past the front door of their building. Yes, it is just dance classes...but I hope we can provide another step toward the Church...God's People...truely becoming the hands, feet, and body of Christ!

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1 comment:

JoLynn said...

thank you for the comment. Things are slowly getting better... I just haven't really had time to post an update. :) See you on Saturday. LOVE YOU!